HBA Library Services

The HBA library, established in 1884, is a valuable resource for HBA members who want to learn more about beekeeping. It contains thousands of books on various aspects of this fascinating hobby.

HBA Queen Rearing Course 2025

HBA Members & Local Associations can attend the HBA Queen Rearing Course 2025

Saturday 14th June – Sunday 15th June 2025 (Limited Spaces)

HBA Members Area

Being an HBA member grants you full access to the members’ area, which is password protected. There, you can enjoy exclusive promotions and discounts, as well as learning and best practice resources.

Local Beekeeping Associations



New beekeepers can join one of the fourteen local associations in Hampshire, which offer various benefits and opportunities. These include apiary training days, support for BBKA Exams and Modules, and social events such as BBQs and Christmas Dinners. By joining an association, you become part of a support network that will help you throughout your beekeeping journey.

The History Of HBA

Founded 141 years ago, Hampshire is one of the largest beekeeping associations in the country. Discover more about Hampshire Beekeepers Associations.

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Beginners Courses

Whether you want to become a beekeeper or simply learn more about honeybees, you can join one of the beginner’s courses offered by our 14 local associations near you.

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Improvers Courses

If you are a Hampshire Beekeeper and you want to improve your skills, you can check out the local associations that offer courses for improvers.

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BBKA Modules & Exams

Whether you’re a beginner or experienced beekeeper, the BBKA can help you enhance your knowledge and skills with various modules and courses. Enjoy the benefits of this rewarding hobby.

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Yellow Legged (Asian) Hornet

The Yellow Legged (Asian) Hornet (aka Vespa Velutina) is a threat to the UK. This page will help you recognize them, report them and safeguard yourself and your honeybees. You will also find public resources and general information here.

Credit: Picture from Bayer @ researchbayer.com 

Varroa Mite

The Varroa Destructor Mite is a common pest that affects many bee colonies in the United Kingdom. You can protect your bees from this threat by following an Integrated Pest Management Plan. Learn how to implement this plan and keep your colonies healthy.


  • BBKA Leaflets to Purchase and/or Download Order Form for Leaflets Allotment Beekeeping  (LO30)                                  The […]
  • This page redirects to the category listing

The Apiarist

  • Honey bees may voluntarily leave the hive and not return when their health is compromised. This altruistic suicide is a form of social immunity and has evolved to protect the […]
  • How do you stop swarms from absconding, and why do they abscond? Could it be 'residual' scout bee activity, and how could this be tested?

Members Blogs

Members of Hampshire Beekeepers Association share their insights and experiences on beekeeping through blogs. These blogs are intended for beekeepers from the fourteen local associations affiliated with Hampshire Beekeepers Association.

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Contact HBA Support

If you encounter any mistakes or missing information on the website, or if you want to contribute a blog or article to the website, please reach out to support.


Recent Posts

  • Meon Valley Auction Day – Saturday 3rd May 2025

    Meon Valley Beekeepers Association is holding its annual auction this year on Saturday 3rd May at Greatham Village Hall, Near Liss, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU33 6AD www.greathamvillagehall.co.uk. This is open to all beekeepers and indeed anyone wanting to sell or buy. If you are interested in submitting any items. Please see the…

  • New HBA Chair

    At last nights Annual General Meeting, John Lauwerys who has been Chair of Hampshire Beekeeping Association stepped down after serving 6 years in the position. John became chair at a time when it was thought that HBA might have to wind up leaving a large gap as an Area Association…

  • World Book Day – Today

    Why not join Avril and other members of Hampshire Beekeepers Association at the HBA Library, East Meon Sustainability Centre for a day celebrating your favorite authors and books. Avril will be opening the library from 11:00 to 16:00 today so pop along and have a look, borrow a book. Remember…

British Beekeepers Association

For 150 years, the British Beekeepers Association has been serving beekeepers since its formation in 1874. Learn more about its history and achievements here.

Hampshire Beekeepers Association

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