BBKA March Talk: ‘Preparing for Exams’
The next in the BBKA series of Zoom talks will be ‘Preparing For Exams’ with Jenny Morgan on 18th March 2025 at 7pm. A recording of this talk will be available on YouTube for those unable to watch live.
Jenny Morgan has worked in Secondary and Tertiary Education for over thirty years as Head of Science, Physics teacher and Teacher trainer. I have been a beekeeper for over 14 years and am a Master Beekeeper. I currently manage 35 hives. I am active within my own association leading groups studying for modules and practical beekeeping assessments. I am keen to assist other beekeepers to increase both their theoretical knowledge and practical expertise. I also spend time educating the public through talks and demonstrations. I find bees fascinating and am always keen to learn more. I am an Exam Board Member. I also mark BBKA exam papers as well as conduct practical assessments.
Ways of Preparing For BBKA Exams …Beyond Rote Learning
My talk will focus on strategies that can be used to help people prepare for assessments. We shall look at the importance of reviewing the syllabus. The development of the vocabulary associated with a topic. Mind maps, diagrams and other techniques for helping develop key links. Examination techniques will be discussed.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 812 3381 9992 Passcode: 527929
Dates for the Diary – Future Talks:
15th April: ‘Swarms’ with Lesley Jacques
20th May: ‘Building a Strong Colony’ with Roger Paterson
Further details for each talk will be available nearer the time.
Kind regards,
Jane Medwell
Chair, Education & Husbandry Committee
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