
The Biological Recording Company

Join Prof Dave Gouslon to hear about how the Buzz Club are investigating the effectiveness of different bee hotels for UK bees.

Bee hotels have become very popular, but some designs are likely to be better than others. Dave will introduce the concept of bee hotels, then present results from the Buzz Club’s Big Bee Hotel Experiment, in which the public gathered data on the success of 576 bee hotels of varying design. We’ll also explore whathas been learned about the optimal design and positioning of bee hotels.

Dave Goulson is a Professor of Biology at the University of Sussex, specializing in bee ecology. He has published more than 300 scientific articles on the ecology and conservation of bumblebees and other insects, and founded the Bumblebee Conservation Trust in 2006, a charity which has grown to 12,000 members and more than 50 staff.

The 1-hour event will consist of a presentation followed by a Q&A with the tutor using questions provided by the live audience. The presentation will be recorded and made available through the entoLIVE blog alongside a write-up of the Q&A and any links to further info.

entoLIVE is delivered by the Biological Recording Company, British Entomological & Natural History Society, Royal Entomological Society and Amateur Entomologists’ Society, with support from Buglife, Field Studies Council and NBN Trust.

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