By popular demand, the Autumn Beekeepers Convention and the Hampshire Honey Show will again be combined into 1 day. Competitors entering wax or jars of honey into the official show will be entitled this year to claim a discounted ticket to the whole event.

While the judges deliberate, we shall feature popular national speakers.

Margaret Murdin B.Sc. in Biochemistry and a Masters qualification in Education, Master Beekeeper and holder of the NDB (National Diploma in Beekeeping) will be talking about The Queen.

Margaret currently manages 20 colonies over 3 apiaries. She is the NDB Advanced Course Director, & Vice Chair of the Ormskirk and Croston branch of Lancashire and teaches courses leading to the modules for Lancashire and General Husbandry both locally and nationally.

She talks regularly at the BBKA Spring Convention, to various Associations and Branches around the country and at Gormanston. A trustee of the BBKA for the last four years and is currently Vice Chair. A member of the BBKA Exam Board, an assistant moderator and a tutor for the BBKA Correspondence Course and a trained assessor for all BBKA exams and assessments.

Previously she was the Principal of a large Further and Higher Education College, a college inspector and the Chief Examiner for teacher Education at a University.

Margaret sat on several Government Committees advising Ministers on Adult, Further and Special education. Margaret hold a B.Sc. in Biochemistry and a master’s qualification in Education

Lynfa Davies BSc (Hons), MPhil, NDB will be covering all the uses for a nucleus.

Lynfa began beekeeping in 2005 and with the help of her husband, Rob keeps approximately 20 colonies. She is a member of Aberystwyth and District Beekeepers’ Association, and she is also part of the Learning and Education Committee of the Welsh Beekeepers’ Association. After progressing through the BBKA modules she became a Master Beekeeper in 2015 and gained the NDB in 2019. She actively participates in training beekeepers and speaking to groups locally and nationally. Lynfa is a Basic and General Husbandry assessor and regularly contributes towards writing the BBKA module exams. She also writes regularly for beekeeping magazines. After graduating from Aberystwyth University with a degree in agriculture, Lynfa embarked on a career in livestock science. In 2006 she switched to knowledge transfer to help implement the outcomes of science in a practical way on farms. She is currently the knowledge exchange manager on the Welsh Government’s Farming Connect programme. Lynfa is the current NDB Secretary.

We shall also have a workshop and seminars on practical microscopy, all aspects of swarms and beekeeping in poor weather, particular apt this year.

Once again Sparsholt College are hosting the event with Julie Milburn the college Principal welcoming us and introducing their horticulture department’s multiple winner of Chelsea gold medals, Chris Bird, talking about pollination from a horticultural perspective.

There will be particularly desirable prizes to win in this year’s raffle and a chance to vote for Beekeepers’ favourite honey. Avril & Dennis Tilman will be manning the library stall with must-have titles to improve your beekeeping. Last but certainly not least Lin will be running a Thornes stall in the tearoom.

NB. Honey Show reduced price tickets are only available to everyone who is entering the Honey Show with a valid entry. Photography, Confectionery, Beekeepers Choice (excluding classes 26 to 29 and 31 to 34) are not included for a discounted ticket. If you purchase one by mistake, please let us know so we can provide a refund you and then you will be able to purchase the correct price ticket.

All discounted tickets will be checked against the entry forms submitted.

We look forward to welcoming you on the day!